Latest Central Asia publications

Flag of the Kazakhstan
Flag of Kazakhstan

in Environment / Kazakhstan,

Flag of the Kazakhstan

Proposal to Require Spousal Consent for Bank Loans Raises Concerns in Kazakhstan

A bill in Kazakhstan's Senate proposes new measures to protect debtors' interests, including requiring spouses' consent for bank loans. The bill has sparked concerns among experts who believe it may lead to fraudulent schemes and unfair practices, potentially jeopardizing the financial stability of both debtors and creditors.

Flag of Kazakhstan

in Politics / Kazakhstan,

Flag of the Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan to Accelerate Privatization of State Banks

Uzbekistan is speeding up the privatization of state banks, aiming to increase the private sector's share in the banking system and introducing Islamic finance principles with international cooperation. Discussions are underway to expedite the sale of state shares in major state banks and a new privatization program is expected to be approved soon.

Flag of Uzbekistan

in Economy / Uzbekistan,

Flag of the Kazakhstan
Flag of Kazakhstan

in Sport / Kazakhstan,

Flag of the Kazakhstan
Flag of Kazakhstan

in Environment / Kazakhstan,

Flag of the Kazakhstan
Flag of Kazakhstan

in Crime / Kazakhstan,

Flag of the Kazakhstan
Flag of Kazakhstan

in Politics / Kazakhstan,

Flag of the Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek's Green Zones Boundaries Could Be Secured After Ataturk Park

Citizen activist and lawyer Erik Iriskulbekov has revealed plans to define the boundaries of other green zones in Bishkek, bringing hope to residents seeking to restore the original boundaries of parks and squares in the city. The city mayor's office is showing political will to make a legal decision regarding the boundaries of Ataturk Park, with the potential for similar actions in other parks like Karagach Grove, Panfilov Park, and Youth Park.

Flag of Kyrgyzstan

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan,

Flag of the Kyrgyzstan
Flag of Kyrgyzstan

in Economy / Kyrgyzstan,

Flag of the Kazakhstan
Flag of Kazakhstan

in News / Kazakhstan,

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