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Tajikistan Struggles to Keep Up with Demand for Schools Amid High Birth Rates

in Education / Tajikistan - by

Tajikistan is currently facing a critical shortage of schools due to its rapidly growing population. The average annual population growth of 200,000 has put a significant strain on the country's education system. Overcrowded classrooms, with 40-50 students per class, have become a common issue, raising concerns about the quality of education being provided. The pressing need for more schools is evident, with experts suggesting that the current rate of school construction needs to be doubled.

In a recent address to the parliament, President Emomali Rahmon emphasized the importance of providing quality education for the young generation. The government has responded by allocating substantial funds towards education, with a 12.5% increase in the budget for 2024 compared to the previous year. Despite efforts to construct new schools, the demand continues to outstrip the supply, leaving tens of thousands of students without adequate seating.

To tackle this challenge, experts recommend diversifying funding sources and involving the private sector by offering favorable conditions such as tax incentives. International support from countries like Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Germany has also played a significant role in the construction of schools in Tajikistan. Collaborations with foreign donors have led to the establishment of numerous educational institutions across the country.

Economists highlight the importance of transparent financial management and efficient resource allocation to maximize the impact of education funding. By prioritizing investments in school construction and minimizing unnecessary expenses, Tajikistan can work towards bridging the gap in educational infrastructure. Through meticulous planning and accountability, the country aims to create a better learning environment for its youth.

Foreign aid, innovative financing models, and rigorous oversight are crucial components in addressing Tajikistan's educational challenges. By leveraging various resources and ensuring responsible fund utilization, the country is striving to meet the rising demand for schools and secure a brighter future for its children.