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National Agency Increases Fees for Crypto Exchanges and Stores in Uzbekistan

in Economy / Uzbekistan - by

The National Agency for Project Development of Uzbekistan has announced a significant increase in fees for crypto exchanges and crypto stores. The fees for crypto exchanges have been raised from 400 to 740 base calculation units, an increase of over 1.8 times, while for crypto stores, the fees have been increased from 20 to 185 base calculation units, more than 9 times higher.

According to the press service of the agency, an analysis of the activities of service providers in the field of cryptocurrency circulation, specifically crypto exchanges and stores, has shown "sufficient profitability of their operations." The changes are expected to double the revenue to the state budget, without significantly impacting the financial condition of the service providers.

The amendments will come into effect in three months, starting from the beginning of June. The National Agency for Project Development is the licensing body for the operation of crypto exchanges, mining pools, crypto depositories, and crypto stores in Uzbekistan.

On February 19, the agency approved the rules for the operation of mining pools, organizations that provide an electronic platform for consolidating computational power to support mining activities. With the adoption of this document, Uzbekistan has completed the formation of its legislative framework in the field of cryptocurrency circulation.