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End of Kumtor National Humiliation: Kyrgyz Prime Minister's Bold Move

in Economy / Kyrgyzstan - by

Team of Sadyr Japarov has finally put an end to the national humiliation and returned Kumtor to the people. This was announced by the Prime Minister Akylbek Japarov during a meeting of the academic council of Osh State University.

He emphasized that in the previous 20 years of operating the "Centerra" mine, Kyrgyzstan received a maximum of $80 million in dividends, while the first year of nationalizing the deposit yielded five times more net profit.

The slogan of the people's power is "Do not steal yourself, do not let others steal." This is honest governance! But we are also efficient managers.

Akylbek Japarov stated, "Large and small businesses still poorly understand that their civic duty is to pay taxes on time and in full, but this is becoming a universally recognized and mandatory condition."

"We all want to live in a prosperous state. Therefore, each of us is obliged to live by the law and fulfill our obligations," said the head of the cabinet.

He noted that as a result of this, there is an unprecedented growth in the economy, mass construction of social facilities, improvement of infrastructure, increase in salaries, allowances, and pensions.

No one believed it, but the people's power fulfilled its commitment to raise pensions to the subsistence level: from October 1, no pension in the country will be less than 6,900 soms.

"Compare this to the fact that just two years ago, hundreds of thousands of our pensioners received 1,500-2,000 soms. Without false modesty, as an economist and a specialist in public finances, I am very proud of our team, which was able to achieve such results," he added.

The official assured that another indisputable sign of the establishment of people's power is the dismantling of corruption and the elimination of organized crime.

"You remember how in previous years the role and place of organized crime in the republic were undisputed. Every time the state was overturned by the so-called popular revolutions, the 'protectors' strengthened. Against the backdrop of confusion and disorder, when the official authorities, law enforcement agencies, and judicial institutions could not guarantee safety and justice, this power vacuum was filled by bandits. Moreover, it cannot be denied that with the general corruption and venality of state authorities, people, having lost hope, sought justice from bandits," he added.