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Uzbekistan's Foreign Trade Shows Positive Growth in First Quarter of 2024

in Economy / Uzbekistan - by

According to the report from the Agency of Statistics under the President, Uzbekistan's foreign trade turnover in January-March 2024 reached 15.8 billion dollars, almost 1 billion dollars or 6.2% higher than the same period in 2023.

Export, including gold, increased by 10% to 6.38 billion dollars, while without gold, it amounted to 3.65 billion dollars (+7.4%). Import also saw growth, reaching 9.44 billion dollars (+3.8%).

The trade deficit slightly decreased to -3.05 billion dollars, 232.2 million dollars less than the previous year.

Gold exports in the first quarter grew by 10.5% to 2.66 billion dollars, representing 41.7% of the country's total exports.

In March, gold exports exceeded 1.35 billion dollars, almost matching February's figures.

Gold prices rose from 2055 to 2246 dollars per ounce in March (+9.3%) and continue to hit historic highs, surpassing 2410 dollars on April 19.

In February, Uzbekistan became the world's largest gold seller, with 12 tons of the precious metal sold. In 2023, the country ranked second in gold sales.