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Uzbekistan Approves Investment Agreements for Wind Power Plants with Chinese Company

in Economy / Uzbekistan - by

By the decree of the President of Uzbekistan on May 7th, investment agreements for the construction of two wind power plants in the Samarkand and Jizzakh regions have been approved.

The investment agreements with the Chinese company Universal Energy were signed on January 25th. The projects will be carried out by Universal Energy's subsidiaries - Peak Wind Alpha and Peak Wind Beta. As part of the project, they have provided guarantees from a foreign bank totaling $18 million.

Each project includes plans to build wind power plants with a capacity of 250 MW, as well as power transmission lines. The investor intends to allocate $250 million for the implementation of each project.

The electricity generated by these wind power plants will be guaranteed to be sold to the "National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan," which have committed to purchasing it for 25 years.