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Tax Service Introduces Electronic Acts for Taxpayers After Control Raids

in Economy / Kyrgyzstan - by

The tax service has started sending electronic acts to taxpayers based on the results of control raids. This new service allows tax inspectors to automatically generate an act using the "Electronic Raid Tax Control" (E-Raid) system and send it to taxpayers through their "personal tax account" on the Cabinet.salyk.kg website.

One of the key advantages of this innovation is the inability for inspectors to make changes or destroy previously filled acts. The implementation of this service significantly reduces time and costs for document processing, enhances the efficiency of tax inspectors, ensures transparency in the process of control raids, and improves interaction with taxpayers, as stated in the announcement.

Taxpayers can view the prepared act in their personal account on the Cabinet.salyk.kg website under the "Tax Control" section in the "Correspondence with the Tax Authorities" module.

In 2022, the tax service launched the "Electronic Raid Tax Control" system, a centralized closed automated system containing the necessary database for control raids. It stores information on conducted raid checks and risks, based on which decisions are made regarding the inspection of relevant subjects.