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Kazakhstan's State Debt and Budget Deficit Updates for 2023 Reviewed

in Economy / Kazakhstan - by

Vice Minister of Finance Dauran Temirbekov announced the size of Kazakhstan's state debt during a session in the Mazhilis on May 17.

He revealed this information while presenting the government's report on the execution of the republican budget for the year 2023.

"As of January 1, 2024, the state debt amounted to 27.2 trillion tenge or 22.8% of the GDP. Of this, the government debt accounted for 20.9% of the GDP or 24.9 trillion tenge," stated Vice Minister of Finance Dauran Temirbekov.

According to him, the upper limit of the state debt is set at no more than 50% of the GDP for EAEU member countries. Currently, the debt indicators specified in the Concept of Public Finance Management are within acceptable values.

"Forecasts for the years 2024-2028 show that the state debt during these years will not exceed the limit and will remain within 25% of the GDP, with the government debt at 21% of the GDP," reassured Dauran Temirbekov.

On May 15, members of the Mazhilis began reviewing the government's and the Supreme Audit Office's report on the execution of the republican budget for 2023. At that time, the Secretary of the Finance and Budget Committee of the Mazhilis, Tatiana Savelieva, stated that the deficit of the republican budget for the previous year amounted to 3.1 trillion tenge or 2.6% of the GDP.