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Plant Poaching: Heavy Fines for Thoughtless Destruction of Rare Flora

in Environment / Tajikistan - by

Warning or a light fine, the "pests" of rare plants and flowers will not get away with it. Thoughtless destruction of natural wealth is punishable by law.

With each passing year, many plant species are being removed from the Red Book due to their complete disappearance. And every year, new plant species facing extinction are being included.

The third edition of the book will include 304 plant species.

Earlier, we mentioned that four species of tulips and hawthorn were included in the Red Book of Tajikistan. In total, it lists around 19 species of tulips, the collection of which is prohibited.

In addition to tulips, it is also worth mentioning irises, crocuses, snowdrops, and ferulas, the collection of which is also prohibited.

Primarily, there are punitive sanctions. If you decide to pick protected flowers or plants, you will have to pay a hefty fine.