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Ministry Forms Commission to Investigate Uranium Waste Truck Accident on Bridge.

in Environment / Kyrgyzstan - by

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology, and Technical Control has formed a commission to conduct a technical investigation into the causes of the accident caused by the fall of a truck of ERN-Stroy LLC on June 1 from a bridge in the village of Min-Kush. This was reported by the department's press service.

According to the information provided, the commission includes representatives from the Environmental Technical Supervision Service of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Mining and Metallurgical Trade Union of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Department of Radiation Safety of the Department of Disease Prevention, and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health.

"The commission members measured the radiation background at the site and found it to be within normal limits, with no cause for concern. Additionally, water and soil samples were taken. The results of the tests will be published within 15 days," - added the Ministry of Natural Resources.

According to some reports, the truck was transporting uranium waste.