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Kyrgyzstan's Climate Commitment: Transitioning to Low-Carbon Development for Resilience

in Environment / Kyrgyzstan - by

Being one of the climate-vulnerable mountainous countries in the world, Kyrgyzstan remains committed to combating climate change and accelerating the transition to climate-resilient, low-carbon development models. This was announced today at the Central Asian Climate Change Conference (CA4C-2024) in Almaty by Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, Ecology, and Technical Supervision, Asel Raimkulova.

According to her, the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Kyrgyzstan developed in 2021 outlined the directions for low-carbon transformation by 2030, taking into account national priorities and sustainable development goals.

"For the effective implementation of the NDC, Kyrgyzstan needs to mobilize an unprecedented amount of climate finance. The total estimated cost of implementing adaptation and mitigation measures is around $11 billion. Of this, 37% comes from domestic resources, private sector funds, international donors, and the national budget, while 63% is the need for international financial support," said Asel Raimkulova.

Expanding access to climate finance remains the most significant way to accelerate the implementation of the NDC and stimulate transformational actions.

Asel Raimkulova highlighted that the main mitigation potential is concentrated in sectors such as energy, agriculture, forestry, waste, and other land uses.

"Around 60% of the republic's greenhouse gas emissions are generated in the energy sector. The mitigation potential in this sector will be realized through reducing fossil fuel consumption, increasing energy generation from renewable sources, and modernizing the energy supply system," added the Deputy Minister.

For reference: NDC is an action plan to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. Each party to the Paris Agreement develops and updates its NDC every five years. In their NDCs, countries set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change and adapting to its consequences.