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Private Sector in Turkmenistan Showcases Impressive Achievements at Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Union Forum

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From March 17 to 19, Ashgabat hosts a grand Forum and exhibition of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) marking the organization's 16th anniversary. The event reflects the remarkable achievements of the country's private sector, which is thriving due to comprehensive support from the state and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The exhibition vividly demonstrates how Turkmen entrepreneurs contribute significantly to national programs and reforms aimed at innovative development during the Renaissance era. The displayed exhibits cover a wide range of industries, reflecting the growing potential of private businesses.

The conference within the Forum allowed discussions on current entrepreneurship development issues, exploring opportunities for implementing new technologies, enhancing competitiveness of domestic goods and services. Participants analyzed the evolution of Turkmen business and outlined plans to address priority tasks for the future.

A common theme throughout the Forum was the state support for small and medium-sized businesses. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the government's commitment to creating favorable conditions for entrepreneurs, recognizing the private sector as a reliable partner in building a prosperous economy.

Analyzing the progress of Turkmen business community and the opportunities provided by the state's entrepreneurship support policies reveals a collaborative effort between the government and businesses towards prosperity.

State and Business: Working Hand in Hand for Prosperity

The key factor for successful private entrepreneurship development in Turkmenistan is the comprehensive support from the state. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov highlighted the government's focus on stimulating small and medium businesses. The government deliberately creates favorable conditions for effective entrepreneurial activities across all economic sectors.

The government's "Program for Socio-Economic Development and Investments in Turkmenistan for 2024" prioritizes creating a favorable business environment, accelerating the transition to market relations, expanding entrepreneurship, and developing public-private partnerships. The ambitious goal is to increase the share of the non-state sector in the non-oil GDP to 71.4%.

To achieve these targets, the government employs a wide range of stimulus measures, from improving legislation and reducing administrative barriers to providing preferential loans, equipment leasing, and business consulting and marketing support.

A clear example of this support is the involvement of private construction companies in major state projects, such as the development of Ashgabat, the city of Arkadag, and the Avaza seaside resort area. This collaboration ensures guaranteed orders for businesses while directly contributing to improving the quality of life for the population.

The results of this approach are impressive. The Forum noted a significant increase in the number of UIET members over 16 years, with a diversified geographical and operational scope. In 2023 alone, production volumes in the private sector increased by 11.7% in agriculture and 6.7% in industry.

Thus, it is evident that due to systematic state support, private entrepreneurship in Turkmenistan is not only dynamically evolving but also becoming a significant driver of economic growth, technological modernization, and enhanced competitiveness of the country. Business and the state in Turkmenistan are working hand in hand towards the common goal of prosperity and national power.

From Construction to Daily Life: Private Business Expands Horizons

The UIET Forum vividly showcased how Turkmen entrepreneurs actively engage in producing a wide range of industrial and consumer goods, becoming reliable partners in import substitution and supplying the domestic market with quality products.

Impressive achievements have been made in the construction materials industry. Private companies manufacture a variety of world-class products - from pipes and cables to ceramic tiles, basalt fiber, paints, bricks, and dry mixes. Many of these products are exported, demonstrating the industry's growing competitiveness.

Entrepreneurs are also actively increasing the production of household chemicals, perfumes, and cosmetics. New brands of cleaning products are emerging, expanding the range of home and personal hygiene products.

Similar trends are observed in furniture and consumer goods production. Local furniture giants - "Aýbölek", "Çigildem", "Abraýly mebel" - presented stylish, high-quality solutions for homes and offices at the exhibition. The volumes and variety of clothing, footwear, and home textiles produced in the country are also increasing.

A significant trend is the adoption of innovative, eco-friendly technologies and materials by entrepreneurs. In the construction industry, the focus is on energy efficiency, "smart" systems, and modern composites. The textile industry emphasizes natural fabrics, safe dyes, and ergonomic design.

Analyzing these facts leads to the conclusion that Turkmenistan's private sector not only consistently expands its activities but also sets new quality standards in all consumer market segments. Thanks to state support, entrepreneurs confidently master the production of high-tech, competitive products, laying the foundation for sustainable industrial development for years to come.

Private Agribusiness - The Locomotive of Food Security

The UIET Forum convincingly demonstrated that Turkmen entrepreneurs make a significant contribution to strengthening the country's food independence by actively developing agriculture, food, and processing industries.

Numerous pavilions at the exhibition showcased examples of achievements in producing a wide range of food products - from dairy products and baby food to fruit juices, fish delicacies, and confectionery. The exhibitors represented all regions, indicating the scale of agribusiness development.

Special attention is given to the adoption of advanced agricultural technologies and breeding achievements. Livestock breeders presented new high-productivity cattle breeds adapted to local conditions. Crop producers successfully implement intensive gardening methods, greenhouse vegetable production, and increase the production of ecologically clean vitamin-rich products.

Emphasis is placed on deep processing of agricultural raw materials and value addition. New enterprises for producing fruit and vegetable preserves, meat products, concentrates, and semi-finished products are emerging in the country. Flour mills, bakeries, and confectionery factories are being modernized. Significant investments are directed towards building modern warehouses, refrigerators, and wholesale distribution centers.

A characteristic feature of private agribusiness development in Turkmenistan is its focus on achieving international quality and safety standards. More companies are implementing ISO and HACCP management systems, obtaining halal certificates. This opens up new prospects not only for import substitution but also for increasing agri-food exports.

In conclusion, it can be confidently stated that UIET members today are the true driving force behind the development of Turkmenistan's agro-industrial complex. Their efforts, combined with state support, make an invaluable contribution to providing abundance and diversity of products in the domestic market, improving the quality of the population's diet, and strengthening the country's long-term food security.

Turkmen Business at the Forefront of Digital Transformation

The UIET Forum vividly demonstrated that Turkmen entrepreneurs are not only keeping pace with the times but also actively embracing the most advanced innovative technologies, becoming true drivers of the country's digital transformation.

Numerous exhibits at the exhibition represented the private sector's achievements in IT, e-commerce, and high-tech manufacturing. A notable highlight was the booth of the company "Aýdyň gijeler", specializing in modern electronic products - from smartphones and smart TVs to air conditioners and network equipment. This example illustrates that Turkmen entrepreneurs successfully master the production of technically complex products capable of competing with foreign counterparts.

Equally important is the active integration of digital technologies into business process management, marketing, and logistics. Many companies showcased their IT developments, mobile applications, data analysis, and automation systems at the Forum. More entrepreneurs are utilizing e-commerce platforms, social networks, and targeted internet advertising to promote their products and services.

A significant discussion at the Forum revolved around the development of e-commerce. Business representatives emphasized the need for further improvement of the legal framework, infrastructure, and mechanisms for online trading in the country. The state expressed readiness to fully support these initiatives, seeing them as a key factor in enhancing business activity, especially among the youth.

In conclusion, it can be stated that Turkmenistan's private sector confidently leads the way in the digital transformation, embracing innovative business models and Industry 4.0 technologies. By joining forces with the government under the national program "Digital Economy", entrepreneurs are laying a solid foundation for the country's long-term competitiveness in the face of rapid global technological revolution.

Summing up the recent UIET Forum and exhibition, it is evident that the event showcased the impressive successes of Turkmenistan's private sector, achieved through comprehensive support and forward-thinking state policies led by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The presented achievements of Turkmen business cover a wide range of industries - from industry and agriculture to innovative technologies and services. Entrepreneurs vividly demonstrated their contribution to import substitution, increasing export potential, exploring new production types, and implementing advanced quality and management standards.

It is crucial to emphasize that behind all these successes lies a consistent and purposeful policy of the Turkmen leadership to create the most favorable conditions for the development of private initiative. The state not only improves the legislative and institutional support for SMEs but also implements concrete stimulus mechanisms - from preferential financing to direct partnerships in major infrastructure projects.

An evident result of this approach is the dynamic growth of key entrepreneurship sector indicators. As noted at the Forum, over the years of independence, the number of UIET members has increased significantly, with sectoral and geographical diversification of their activities. The share of the private sector in the non-oil GDP of the country is steadily growing and is expected to reach 71% in the medium term.

Moreover, the Forum not only summarized the progress made but also set the course for further progressive development of private entrepreneurship as a key driver of Turkmenistan's innovative economy. The focus is on further digitalization, business clustering, and acceleration, enhancing its role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, and implementing the National Socio-Economic Development Program of the country until 2052.