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Uzbekistan Government Initiates Transition to Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

in Environment / Uzbekistan - by

In a recent statement, the press service of the Kashkadarya region hokimiyat announced that new vehicles were not purchased using the "Mehr Daftari" fund due to a technical error. The reason is under investigation, as stated by the hokimiyat. The state bodies of Uzbekistan have begun to renew their vehicle fleet by transitioning to electric and hybrid vehicles.

Support for ministries, departments, hokimiyats, and enterprises with a state share of 50% or more in acquiring electric and hybrid vehicles was defined by the president's decree on December 19, 2022 (PP-443). According to the targets, it is planned to purchase 3863 hybrid and electric vehicles amounting to 1.32 trillion UZS from 2023 to 2025. The goals of updating the vehicle fleet include widespread adoption of "green" technologies and reducing harmful gas emissions into the atmosphere.

To acquire hybrid and electric vehicles, non-budgetary funds are permitted to be used. Purchases must comply with restrictions on the maximum price of vehicles and the requirements for their replacement period with new ones. "Gazeta.uz" observed the state procurement portal and noted that several hokimiyats are using their "Mehr Daftari" fund to purchase new vehicles to support orphaned and parentless children.

The "Mehr Daftari" funds were established by regional authorities in 2021 when the country began implementing a new system for raising orphaned and parentless children, and children's homes were assigned to the National Guard. These funds are financed through sponsor donations and 3% of the net profits of enterprises engaged in wholesale trade of alcoholic beverages (excluding beer and natural wine). The funds are intended to address the issues of orphaned and parentless children, support gifted children, help in life preparation, organize their education, guide them into professions, ensure their employment, compensate for arrears in utility payments, and other purposes.

It is noteworthy that buyers of new vehicles in some state procurements by hokimiyats are specified as the "Mehr Daftari" funds. For instance, agreements are being executed on behalf of the "Mehr Daftari" fund of the Kashkadarya region hokimiyat to purchase four BYD Song Plus hybrids for 1.78 billion UZS. Additionally, a request was left from this fund to purchase a Chevrolet Equinox equipped with a start-stop hybrid system for 450 million UZS, which is still in process.

At present, the regional hokimiyat's vehicle fleet comprises over 30 service vehicles, with an outstanding debt of 1.98 billion UZS at the regional administration. From the "Mehr Daftari" fund of the Jizzakh region hokimiyat, two BYD Song Plus DM-i hybrids are being acquired for 768.3 million UZS, along with another similar vehicle for 444.5 million UZS.

Furthermore, an electric vehicle is being purchased for 412 million UZS from the "Mehr Daftari" fund of Bukhara. Although the model is unspecified, with a range of 520 km, it can be assumed to be the BYD Song Plus EV Champion. In June 2023, the "Mehr Daftari" fund of the Surkhandarya region planned to buy a Chevrolet Gentra for 156.3 million UZS.

In September 2023, the General Prosecutor's Office acquired six BYD Song Plus DM-i hybrids for 2.67 billion UZS. Additionally, in August, they purchased a Chevrolet Malibu 2 for 419 million UZS and three Chevrolet Lacetti L-Comfort Plus vehicles for 378.2 million UZS each. The agency also updated old vehicles to new ones under the Trade-In program.

The newly established Mahalla Association is purchasing two BYD Song Plus DM-i Champions for 819.4 million UZS and a premium electric vehicle BYD Han for 603.18 million UZS. The Samarkand Regional Mahalla Association is acquiring a BYD Song Plus DM-i for 367.7 million UZS.

In another initiative, the Agency for Development and Regulation of the Energy Market procured a BYD Han Flagship with a range of 715 km for 504 million UZS. The Agency for Development of the Pharmaceutical Market is acquiring two BYD Chazor DM-i vehicles for 632.6 million UZS. The Public Works Fund under the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction is purchasing a BYD Song Plus DM-i (AWD) for 444.5 million UZS.

Various other institutions and organizations are also in the process of acquiring electric and hybrid vehicles, marking a significant shift towards environmentally friendly transportation in Uzbekistan.