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Kazakhstan Parliament Approves Amendments to Science and Technology Law

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

The Mazhilis deputies have approved amendments in the first reading to the law "On Science and Technology Policy". According to the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Sayasat Nurbek, one of the novelties of the draft law is aimed at improving the structure of science management, specifically expanding the functions of the National Academy of Sciences and strengthening the Science Fund.

A new status for the Academy is defined as a different non-profit organization - the highest scientific organization, with specified competencies, funding sources, and authorities of management bodies - the Board of Trustees, the General Assembly of Academicians, the Presidium, and the Board. The amendments also propose expanding the functions of the Academies to conduct expertise on scientific and technical tasks for competition programs, analysis of priority directions in science development.

Furthermore, the draft law will expand the package of social support for scientific workers, including young scientists. It includes provisions for the right to acquire housing or improve living conditions, tax incentives for entities facilitating the commercialization of scientific and technical results of Kazakhstani scientists.

The concept of "technology readiness levels" will also be introduced, aiming to enhance Kazakhstan's internal scientific and innovative level, reduce the innovation gap compared to global technological leaders, and assimilate new external information for commercial use by Kazakhstani companies.

These innovations are expected to have a positive impact on shaping and developing the ecosystem and market of deeptech projects, bringing together startups, investors, and entities involved in scientific and scientific-technical activities, attracting foreign investments, improving the country's financial position, and expanding international economic cooperation.

In addition to the noted innovations, during the discussions of the working group on the draft law, Mazhilis deputies proposed several norms regarding state procurement, financing for scientific infrastructure, industrial science, implementation of the scientific innovation system, and subsidization.

The Minister specified that the draft law will contribute to the development of science and the implementation of technological policies by introducing the results of scientific achievements to ensure the country's competitiveness, inter-industry coordination of scientific, scientific-technical, and innovation activities.