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EAEU Members Change Currency for Customs Duties Amid Economic Sanctions

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

EAEU countries will no longer transfer customs duties to Russia and Belarus in dollars. Deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh approved the corresponding protocol at a meeting.

According to the Eurasian Economic Union treaty dated May 29, 2014, member states of the EAEU have obligations to collect and transfer import customs duties to each other's budgets.

The countries collect duties in their national currencies, then convert them into dollars to distribute among the budgets of the EAEU states according to established norms.

However, since March 2022, due to economic sanctions imposed on Russia, the transfer of mutual obligations arising from conversion operations on distributed import customs duties to Russia and Belarus in US dollars has become impossible.

Therefore, at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council held in absentia on May 27, 2022, the heads of the union member states approved a protocol. According to this protocol, Russia and Belarus will temporarily receive rubles at the exchange rate of the national banks of the sending countries. Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Armenia will continue to settle payments with each other in dollars as before.