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Almaty City Administration Introduces New Communal State Institutions

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

The Almaty city administration has recently approved resolutions concerning the state governance in Almaty and the establishment of communal state institutions. The first resolution introduces two new communal state institutions: the Development Management of Public Spaces and the Seismic Safety and Mobilization Preparedness Management of Almaty. The functions previously held by the Ecology and Environment Management of Almaty have been transferred to the Development Management of Public Spaces institution.

In a separate resolution, the tasks, powers, and functions of the newly established administrations have been outlined. The Seismic Safety and Mobilization Preparedness Management of Almaty will focus on coordinating seismic safety activities, mobilization preparedness, territorial defense, civil protection, defense, as well as anti-corruption, religious extremism, and terrorism measures in Almaty. Additionally, it will oversee mobilization preparedness and activities related to territorial defense, civil protection, and civil defense within the city.

The Development Management of Public Spaces in Almaty has a goal of creating a more comfortable urban environment by enhancing public spaces based on inclusivity and sustainability principles. Its responsibilities include planning, designing, and executing projects to improve public spaces with an emphasis on accessibility and polycentric city development. Moreover, the institution will manage and enhance fountain infrastructure integrated into public spaces.

These newly established institutions are expected to play pivotal roles in improving the quality of life in Almaty and fortifying the city's resilience against various challenges. The implementation of these resolutions on specified dates signifies a significant advancement towards effective governance and urban development in Almaty.