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Tougher Regulations for Moped Drivers Approved by Kazakh Parliament

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

Members of the Mazhilis approved amendments to the "Road Traffic Law" in the first reading, tightening requirements for moped drivers. Deputy Ekaterina Smyshlyaeva stated that mopeds are one of the most affordable forms of transportation, and the need to regulate their movement is primarily due to the increasing number of accidents on the roads. In 2023 alone, there were 750 accidents involving mopeds, four times more than in 2022.

The proposed bill suggests introducing state registration for mopeds with engine capacities of less than 50 cubic centimeters, establishing requirements for moped drivers, and empowering local executive bodies to determine the rules for operating electric scooters.

Additionally, the accompanying bill "On Amending the Code of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses regarding the organization of traffic for specific types of vehicles and digitalization of road safety" introduces stricter penalties for individuals significantly exceeding the speed limit, equating mopeds to mechanical vehicles, and holding officials accountable for repeated violations related to road maintenance.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Lepeha previously mentioned that all mopeds, regardless of engine size, will be classified as vehicles. To operate them, individuals will be required to have a category "A1" driver's license.