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Government Resolution Introduces Changes to Rules on Reserves Usage in Kazakhstan

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

On April 12, 2024, the government of Kazakhstan made amendments to the Rules on the use of government and local executive bodies' reserves. The resolution specifies the procedures for allocating funds from the government and local executive bodies' reserves in various situations.

It clarifies that decisions regarding the allocation of funds for housing construction or acquisition to replace homes destroyed by natural or man-made disasters must be accompanied by a list of affected citizens whose homes have been deemed uninhabitable. This list should be signed by the deputy akim of the region, city, or district overseeing the matter.

Furthermore, the resolution allows for the allocation of funds from the government reserves in cases of local emergencies upon the Prime Minister's directive. Justifications and calculations must adhere to the compensation procedures for small and medium-sized businesses affected by the 2024 floods, as developed by the authorized entrepreneurship agency.

In cases of urgent expenses to compensate small and medium-sized businesses for flood-related losses, the resolution permits advance payments of up to 50% of the allocated funds for each type of expenditure. Subsequent financing of these expenses will be handled by the budget program administrators upon submission of supporting documents.

The resolution applies to legal relationships arising from the consequences of the 2024 flood period and is effective from the date of signing until December 31, 2024. Previously, rules for compensating property losses incurred by small and medium-sized businesses due to the 2024 floods had been developed.