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Ministry Proposes Pay Increase for Scientists and Researchers in Kazakhstan

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has prepared a project for corresponding amendments to the remuneration system for civil servants, employees of organizations funded by the state budget, and employees of state enterprises.

The draft order by the Ministry is based on the draft law "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Science," initiated by members of the Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan and supported by the government.

According to the explanatory note, the draft law proposes establishing additional payments for the academic titles of "Associate Professor (Assistant Professor)" – up to 25 MRP and "Professor" – up to 50 MRP for the teaching staff of universities and researchers conducting research and design work funded by the republican budget.

Furthermore, the government resolution project includes the following additional payments for academic degrees:

- Associate Professor (Assistant Professor) with a candidate of sciences, doctor of philosophy (PhD), and doctorate – 17 MRP (62,764 tenge in 2024).

- Associate Professor (Assistant Professor) with a doctor of sciences degree – 42 MRP (155,064 tenge in 2024).

- Professor with a candidate of sciences, doctor of philosophy (PhD), doctorate, and doctor of sciences degree – 50 MRP (184,600 tenge in 2024).

The specified additional payment is granted upon presentation of the relevant diploma issued by the authorized body in the field of certification of highly qualified scientific personnel or a certificate recognizing the educational document, and is paid based on the main job position.

Developers believe that increasing the salaries of leading scientists in the current situation in the country will provide significant support from the state for their successful and efficient work. Ultimately, these measures will elevate the status of scientists, reduce the outflow of specialists at the master's and doctoral levels, and enhance the technological development of the country through the results of the scientific activities of leading scientists.

To implement this initiative, additional funds from the republican budget for 2024-2026 will be required, for which a positive decision has already been obtained from the Republican Budget Commission.

The project is posted on the "Open NPA" portal for public discussion until May 13, 2024.