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Kazakh Former Minister Hails President's Role in Digital Transformation Success

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

Former Minister of Digital Development of Kazakhstan Bagdat Musin addressed the citizens of Kazakhstan on May 1st. In his post on Instagram, he summarized his work at the ministry.

"Friends, another stage of my work in public service has ended. Reflecting on my work at the ministry, I want to express my gratitude to our president. It is his strategic vision and political will that placed the principle of human interests at the core of the digitization process in all aspects of the country's life. Under his personal leadership, we managed to build a completely new model of providing public services, where the state created conditions to deliver highly digital services to the citizens," wrote Bagdat Musin.

According to him, through domestic fintech platforms, Kazakhstani citizens gained access to hundreds of cool services - such as car re-registration, birth registration of a child, property collateralization, and more.

"The majority of these services are now provided online. Once upon a time, only a few were. The president personally promoted the initiative of digital documents. Thanks to the law developed at his direction, the scope of application of this service was expanded, and electronic documents were equated to their paper counterparts. Many Kazakhstani citizens may have already forgotten when was the last time they carried paper documents with them," emphasized the former minister.

He noted that in 2023, the digital document service was used around 200 million times, and the number of digitized documents exceeded 30 types.

"Who remembers how before the pandemic we used to go to bank branches to open accounts, standing in queues? It was with the support of Kasym-Zhomart Kemelovich that biometrics was implemented as the main method of identification. Many in the government apparatus were against this. But it was the president's word that settled this issue. He personally supported us and the Starlink project. His will was crucial here. And it was only thanks to it that we provided remote rural schools with satellite internet. E-otinish is a direct result of the state head's policy in building the Listening State. Millions of citizens effectively interact with government structures exclusively through their smartphones. During pandemic restrictions, the 'Ashyk' system provided businesses the opportunity to continue their operations. The list of projects can go on. All of this would have been impossible without the personal involvement of the president," concluded Bagdat Musin.

It was previously reported that by the decree of the head of state, Musin was relieved of his position as the Minister of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan. It is worth noting that Bagdat Musin headed the digital ministry since September 2, 2020. He later commented on his resignation.