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Challenges in Kazakhstan's Data Security: Deputy's Insights on Risks and Resignation

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

Deputy of the Mazhilis Ekaterina Smyshlyaeva in the corridors of the lower chamber on May 2, 2024, named the reason for the increasing risks related to the security and leakage of personal data of Kazakhstanis.

Ekaterina Smyshlyaeva does not associate the resignation of Bagdat Musin from the position of Minister of Digital Development with the growing number of data leaks of Kazakhstanis.

"I will not speculate, I cannot imagine the reason for the resignation, so I cannot comment. And regarding the fact that they have increased, it is probably not related to the arrival or departure of any political figure, it is related to the volumes of digitalization that we see today. The more we digitize our lives, public relations, and so on, the risks related to security and data leakage proportionally increase," she stated.

The deputy also commented on who could take the minister's seat.

"We do not speculate... There will be proposals, we will discuss, we have time. Our committee usually conducts a detailed interview with the candidate, relevant questions will be asked, we know the industry's issues that need to be addressed very well, and I think it will depend on the candidates' answers," summarized Ekaterina Smyshlyaeva.

On April 30, 2024, it became known that Bagdat Musin was relieved of his duties as Minister of Digital Development.

On the same day, the former minister commented on his resignation. Words of gratitude were published by Bagdat Musin on his Instagram page.