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Ministry Introduces New Rules for State Scientific and Technical Expertise

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

The Minister of Science and Higher Education has issued an order on April 30, 2024, introducing changes and additions to the Rules for providing the state service "Conducting state scientific and technical expertise."

In particular, the rules are presented in a new edition. The state service is provided by the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise (service provider).

The acceptance of documents and the issuance of the results of the service are carried out through the information system is.ncste.kz. To obtain the state service, an individual or legal entity must provide the following documents to the center:

- Applications in the specified form and documents according to the rules of basic and program-targeted financing of scientific or scientific-technical activities, financing of scientific organizations conducting fundamental scientific research.

- A copy of the certificate or an extract from the order of the authorized body on the accreditation of the subject of scientific or scientific-technical activities.

- Positive conclusion of the local or central bioethics commission (for biomedical research involving humans and animals).

- A draft contract for the execution of a state order for grant financing.

- Agreement on contributions in any form indicating their implementation deadlines and the amount of the contribution or necessary resources (for a participant applying for a grant for applied research).

- Information on identity documents, state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity obtained from the relevant information systems through the electronic government gateway.

In case of providing an incomplete set of documents or documents with expired validity, the service provider gives a reasoned refusal for further consideration of the application, and an employee of the state corporation refuses to accept the application and issues a refusal receipt.

The service recipient submits the revised application within three working days from the day it was sent for revision. On the day of receiving the documents, the center accepts and registers them.

An employee of the responsible structural unit of the center checks the documents for compliance with the requirements within 15 working days from the date of registration.

For applications that score below the threshold score of the state scientific and technical expertise (GNTE), the center returns the application with the GNTE results to the service recipient (scientific supervisor) within three working days after the completion of the GNTE.

Applications scoring at or above the threshold score of the GNTE are sent to an expert for assessing the justification of the requested funding volume, attracted by the service provider, along with the GNTE results (without specifying GNTE scores) within three working days after the completion of the expertise, with notification through the information system.

The assessment of the justification of the requested funding volume is carried out by the expert within a period of no more than seven working days after the completion of the GNTE.

The results of the assessment of the requested funding volume, together with the GNTE results (without specifying GNTE scores), are sent to the relevant National Scientific Councils (NSC) within two working days, with notification to the applicant.

The center forwards the conclusions of the GNTE to the respective NSCs on final (interim) reports on scientific or scientific-technical activities within two working days.

For applications within the framework of grant funding for commercialization projects of the results of scientific or scientific-technical activities, a center employee checks the documents for compliance with the requirements of the competition documentation within seven working days from the date of document registration.

If the documents comply, the center selects experts, concludes contracts with them, and forwards the documents for the expertise of commercialization projects of the results of scientific or scientific-technical activities (EPCRNNTD).

The organization and timing of the EPCRNNTD consist of technological and economic (marketing) expertise and include the following stage:

- Conducting EPCRNNTD – not more than 40 working days.

Subsequently, within two working days after receiving the consolidated expert opinions of the project expertise, the center forwards the consolidated opinions to the NSCs for a decision on financing or refusal to finance the commercialization project of the results of scientific or scientific-technical activities, with notification to the applicant.

If there are grounds for refusing to provide the service, the center notifies the service recipient of the preliminary decision to refuse the state service, as well as the time, place, and method of holding a hearing to allow the service recipient to express their position on the preliminary decision.

The notification of the hearing is sent no later than three working days before the decision on the reasoned refusal.

The service recipient's objection to the preliminary decision is accepted by the service provider within two working days from the date of receipt.

Following the hearings, the center makes a decision on providing the state service or issues a reasoned refusal. From the date of the NSCs meetings, the service provider formalizes and ensures the signing of the meeting protocols by all NSC members within five working days.

The conclusions of the GNTE and the NSCs' decisions are sent by the service provider to the service recipient through the information system within three working days.

The order comes into force on May 15, 2024.