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New Standard for Major Repairs of Condominium Common Property Approved in Kazakhstan

in Politics / Kazakhstan - by

The Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Republic of Kazakhstan has approved the Standard for conducting major repairs of condominium common property. This Standard applies to works carried out during the provision of major repairs of condominium common property and establishes general requirements.

Major repairs are required for property whose technical condition cannot be ensured during current maintenance and repairs, except in cases where multi-apartment residential buildings are deemed emergency and subject to resettlement and demolition.

The necessity of major repairs is determined by:

- Legislation of Kazakhstan, including technical regulations and sanitary-epidemiological requirements;

- Technological requirements outlined in the operation manual of multi-apartment residential buildings;

- Directives issued by monitoring or supervisory authorities;

- Reports based on instrumental inspections, surveys, monitoring of the technical condition of the property.

The justification for major repairs of individual parts of multi-apartment residential buildings is confirmed by inspection reports, utilizing the physical wear indicator of the property as a basis.

Major repairs are carried out based on project and estimate documentation. The technical client organizes the repair, monitors the progress of the work, accepts the completed work, and reports to the owners, engaging subcontractors for the work.

It is envisaged that within the framework of major repairs, reconstruction (modernization) or re-planning may be carried out without affecting load-bearing structures or altering the fundamental technical and economic indicators of the property.

When performing works requiring permits or licenses, the contractor must have the necessary documents.

The types of major repair works include building and structure surveys, repair and construction works to restore and enhance building stability, insulation improvement, replacement of engineering networks, and restructuring of non-ventilated roofs to ventilated ones.

Major repairs are categorized as comprehensive or selective, with decisions made by owners through established procedures (at a general meeting).

To address technical issues during major repairs, the client develops and proposes a coordination procedure to owners, determining the individuals responsible for decision-making and forming working commissions.

The Standard also establishes requirements for compliance with technical regulations, energy efficiency legislation, preparation for major repairs, organization, control, maintenance of executive and technical documentation, safety standards, and control methods.

Control methods for major repair works include instrumental, visual, analytical, and sociological approaches.

The Standard will be effective from July 1, 2024, replacing the previous standard.