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Upcoming Deadline for Tax Reporting and Payment in Kazakhstan

in Economy / Kazakhstan - by

The deadline for submitting financial and tax reporting (FNO) and paying indirect taxes in Kazakhstan is March 20, 2024. By March 20, the following tax reporting forms must be submitted:

- Declaration on the import of goods and payment of indirect taxes for February 2024 (form 328.00);

- Calculation of current land use payments if a contract is concluded or a license is obtained for exploration or production of subsoil resources from February 21 to 29, 2024 (form 851.00);

- Declaration on payment for negative impact on the environment (for operators of category I and II facilities with payment amounts up to 100 MRP) for the year 2024 (form 870.00).

Additionally, the following payments must be made for February 2024:

- VAT in the Eurasian Economic Union;

- Excise taxes, including on imported goods from EAEU member states;

- Payment for negative impact on the environment in case operators of category I and II facilities exceed the payment threshold of 100 MRP for the year 2024.

Earlier, it was reported that Kazakhstan extended the pilot project for tax and social payment collection for individuals working through online platforms.