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Changes Introduced to Customs Clearance Rules by the Ministry of Finance

in Economy / Kazakhstan - by

The Ministry of Finance has issued an order on March 15, 2024, amending the Rules for Customs Clearance of Goods by officials of state revenue authorities.

The customs clearance of goods is carried out by authorized officials through the Information Systems of state revenue authorities (IS).

Customs clearance starts from the moment of submitting a customs declaration in the form of a goods declaration or a statement for the release of goods and ends with the release of the goods.

Electronic customs declaration is done using an electronic document (EDT) in the form of a goods declaration.

Written customs declaration is done using a goods declaration in the form of a paper document in the territorial state revenue authority.

After filling out the electronic declaration, it and the supporting documents are certified by an electronic digital signature (EDS).

The service provider then generates and sends electronic documents to the applicant during customs operations related to the release of goods without the involvement of an official (automatic release), refusal to release goods, or cancellation of goods release.

Upon applicant's request, a paper copy of the electronic declaration is printed by an authorized official no later than 30 minutes from the time of the request.

In case of automatic release of goods, the release mark is affixed by the authorized official in the revenue authority's activity zone where the goods were released.

The state service is provided to the service provider through the IS or via the eGov.kz electronic government web portal EDT.

When using the portal, the service recipient receives a status notification of the request acceptance for the provision of the state service.

In case of IS failure during customs declaration, the service recipient notifies the support service via email, providing information on the state service name, application registration number, individual identification number (IIN) or business identification number (BIN), recipient's name, error description, screenshots of the IS failure.

Registration or rejection of electronic declaration is done automatically in the IS without the service provider's involvement. When submitting EDT, the service provider checks for grounds for registration or rejection of the goods declaration.

The date and time of EDT submission are recorded by the service provider via the IS.

The order comes into effect on March 31, 2024.