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Kazakhstan's Energy Minister Advocates for Tariff Increases for Thermal Power Plants

in Economy / Kazakhstan - by

During a session in the Mazhilis on April 3, 2024, Kazakhstan's Energy Minister Almasadam Satkaliev stated the need for further tariff hikes for thermal power plant services in Kazakhstan. Satkaliev highlighted the substantial work already done to bring tariff levels of energy-producing and transmitting enterprises to the necessary level for maintenance and investment program implementation.

The Minister emphasized that pricing is based on accumulating and analyzing requests from industry companies to ensure compatibility before issuing conclusions. While acknowledging the need to raise tariffs for heating services, Satkaliev noted that the extent would vary for each entity due to the significant investment required to address the aging infrastructure of thermal power plants.

However, Satkaliev did not specify the percentage by which tariffs should be increased, citing it as within the Ministry's competence. He also mentioned not to expect a significant rise in tariffs. Previously, he discussed whether Kazakhstanis should anticipate a reduction in electricity tariffs after removing so-called "laying" energy supply organizations.