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Kazakhstan Boasts Highest Average Salaries in Some EAEU Sectors

in Economy / Kazakhstan - by

According to experts, Kazakhstani average salaries in certain sectors of the economy have turned out to be the highest in the EAEU. The average monthly salary in Kazakhstan across all sectors of activity for the year 2023 amounted to $791 USD.

This figure is more than twice the minimum in the Eurasian Economic Union, which was noted in Kyrgyzstan, and 9% lower than the maximum in the Russian Federation. These statistics were shared by the First Credit Bureau.

"In a number of sectors, Kazakhstan's levels in dollars have become the highest in the EAEU. We are talking about the mining and manufacturing industry ($1665 and $910), construction ($1029), transport and storage ($1018), accommodation and food services ($678), administrative activities ($777)."

However, there is a less positive trend in real wage growth. Across all sectors of the economy, the increase was 2.3% compared to the data from January-December 2022. This indicator became the lowest among EAEU countries. The highest growth was observed in Armenia at 12.4%.