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Massive Tree Planting Effort in Aktobe Region: Over 123,000 Seedlings Planted

in Environment / Kazakhstan - by

In the framework of the republican campaign "Taza Qazaqstan," the "Green Region" week took place in the Aktobe region from April 21 to 27, during which more than 123,000 seedlings were planted.

On April 27, a massive tree planting event was held throughout the region, with the participation of the head of the region, Aszhat Shakharov. Shakharov planted spruces near the spiritual and moral center "Anaga Tagzym." Residents and construction companies such as TOO "Eren-Group," TOO "Nomad City," PK "Nectar," and TOO "Build Company" joined the campaign and planted 25 spruces.

In the Alty Orda microdistrict, civil servants planted 650 ash trees, while in the Triathlon Park, department employees planted 20 spruces, and in the Central Park, its tenants planted 100 ash trees.

The campaign was supported by residents of the region, deputies, various youth organizations, enterprises, and labor collectives who planted over two thousand spruces and ash trees in public places.

Overall, during the "Green Region" week in the region, the largest number of trees was planted in the Irgiz district – 84,000 trees. Additionally, 25,000 trees were planted in the village of Zhyltyr in the Shalkar district to prevent sand movement, and 10,000 trees were planted in Aktobe. Each district made a significant contribution to greening their homeland.

The seedlings were brought from seven forestry enterprises in the region and were distributed free of charge to social facilities such as clinics, schools, and kindergartens.

The landscaping and greening efforts in the Aktobe region will continue in the future.