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Former Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh Proposed Privileges Law

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

Former members of the Jogorku Kenesh are being considered for additional privileges, as proposed by deputies Nurzhigit Kadyrbekov and Zamirbek Mamasadykov. The draft law aims to define the status of former members and secure additional rights from the state.

The deputies highlight the continued importance of ex-members in the political and social life of Kyrgyzstan, noting their active participation in various events, including internationally, and their significant role in maintaining the country's stability and development.

Currently, there is a lack of clear legislative regulation regarding the status of ex-members and the guarantees provided by the state. The proposed law seeks to establish a clear legal status for ex-members, strengthening the institution of speakership and enhancing the authority of the position.

The law suggests granting the following privileges to ex-members and their spouses:

- the right to obtain a diplomatic passport;

- the right to free medical services;

- the right to free use of facilities for official persons and delegations at airports, railway stations, and terminals.

The authors believe that providing additional rights to ex-members will contribute to their active participation in the country's public and political life, ensuring political system stability, enhancing the prestige and effectiveness of the Jogorku Kenesh's work, and providing some degree of social protection and guarantees to former members.