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Deputies Express Discontent with Health Minister in Kyrgyzstan Parliament

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

During a session of the Jogorku Kenesh, members expressed dissatisfaction with Health Minister Alymkadyr Beyshenaliev. They supported colleague Jusupbek Korgonbay who accused the minister of corruption and betrayal.

Deputy Tazabek Ikramov stated that Korgonbay spoke the bitter truth about corruption in government structures, particularly in the healthcare system. He emphasized the need for legislation preventing corrupt individuals and their relatives from holding public office.

Deputy Kamila Talieva echoed support for Korgonbay, highlighting issues in the medical field and citing specific cases of mismanagement and malpractice in hospitals.

Calls were made for a parliamentary commission to investigate the suitability of the Health Minister for his position. Other deputies also voiced concerns about the state of healthcare in the country, pointing out deficiencies in equipment, staff shortages, and low wages leading to a potential brain drain.

The recent criticism of the Health Minister comes after Deputy Jusupbek Korgonbay referred to him as a "black surgeon" with alleged ties to organized crime. Korgonbay also raised concerns about increased mortality rates in hospitals since the minister took office.

In response, Minister Alymkadyr Beyshenaliev defended his record, stating that he provides medical assistance to all patients regardless of their social status. He suggested that the deputy's grievances stem from his desire to hold the position of Health Minister himself.