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Deputy Elvira Surabaldieva Criticizes Speaker's Behavior in Kyrgyz Parliament

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

During a plenary session of the Jogorku Kenesh, Deputy Elvira Surabaldieva expressed her dismay at the behavior of Speaker Nurlanbek Shakiev, stating that women are not respected in parliament. She highlighted an incident where her proposal was not even put to a vote, questioning the lack of respect towards her as a deputy. Surabaldieva emphasized the need to follow parliamentary procedures and not to humiliate fellow deputies.

In response, Speaker Nurlanbek Shakiev denied any mockery, stating that the situation was lighthearted and that no one was being ridiculed. He defended his actions by mentioning his own success in the elections. The exchange between the two highlighted the ongoing challenges faced by women in politics and the importance of mutual respect within the parliament.