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President Sadyr Japarov Issues Reprimands to Officials Over Interference

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

President Sadyr Japarov has announced reprimands to the Prosecutor General Kurmankul Zulushev and the Minister of Natural Resources, Ecology, and Technical Supervision Melis Turgunbaev. The president's press service reported that a commission of the presidential administration reviewed the interference of certain employees of the prosecutor's office in the licensing commission's activities at the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology, and Technical Supervision. The facts were outlined in a memo from Deputy Chairman Kamchybek Tashiev and were confirmed by the commission.

As a result, the president issued reprimands to the Prosecutor General and the Minister for inadequate control over their subordinates. Additionally, the Prosecutor General was instructed to propose the dismissal of his deputy Kuban Adyl Uulu, issue a reprimand, and rotate the heads of the Main Department for Combating Corruption and Law Enforcement Oversight of the Prosecutor General's Office Mirlan Maitpasov and the Department for Monitoring Compliance with Entrepreneurial Rights and Environmental Laws of the Main Department for Combating Corruption and Law Enforcement Oversight A. Alikulov.

It is worth noting that the commission included:

- Murat Ukushev, Head of the Legal Support Department of the President and Cabinet of Ministers;

- Azamat Osmonov, Head of the Control Department for Implementing Presidential and Cabinet of Ministers' Decisions;

- Nurlan Sulaimankulov, Head of the Department for Interaction with Courts and Prosecutor's Offices;

- Azamat Apsatarov, Assistant to the President.