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Tightening Control: Kyrgyz President Signs Law on Narcotic Substances

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

Kyrgyzstan's President Sadyr Japarov has signed the Law "On Narcotic Substances, Psychotropic Substances, Their Analogues, and Precursors," as announced by the state leader's press service. The document was adopted by the Jogorku Kenesh on January 24, 2024.

The law encompasses various measures, including regulating the circulation of narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, their analogues, and precursors, as well as the organisms containing them. It establishes responsibilities, penalties, and a framework to combat their illegal circulation, defining the rights and obligations of individuals and entities in relation to the law.

Moreover, the law outlines a list of narcotic substances subject to control in Kyrgyzstan, sets forth obligatory, prohibitive, and restrictive measures in the sphere of narcotic substances circulation, and specifies entities authorized for the legal circulation of narcotic substances.

Additionally, it introduces state quotas for the quantity of narcotic substances and psychotropic substances designated for consumption in medical, veterinary, scientific, and forensic purposes. The legislation also covers licensing activities, inventory control, and registries of licenses and permissions for entities engaged in the legal circulation of narcotic substances.

Furthermore, the law addresses permissible uses of narcotic substances, control regimes, and the transportation of such substances across Kyrgyzstan without a license by authorized state bodies during operational, counterintelligence, and criminal procedural activities.

The legislation also includes provisions for licensing activities related to the import, export, and transit of narcotic substances, as well as the supervision of their circulation by authorized state bodies in various sectors such as internal affairs, healthcare, veterinary services, national security, defense, border protection, customs, law enforcement, emergency situations, and the uniform enforcement of laws in the field of narcotic substances circulation by the prosecution authorities within their competencies.

In conclusion, the law emphasizes measures to combat the illegal circulation of narcotic substances, aiming to strengthen control and regulation in this critical area.