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Expert Group Proposes Amendments to Local Election Legislation for Public Discussion

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

An expert working group on improving the legislation on the elections of deputies of local keneshes, within the framework of the ongoing administrative-territorial reform, has developed a draft law amending the legislation on local elections. The document has been put up for public discussion.

In particular, changes are being made to the Law "On the Elections of Deputies of Local Keneshes", increasing the number of voters from 2.5 thousand to 3 thousand voters at each polling station.

Amendments are being made to the Law "On Local State Administration and Local Self-Government Bodies", providing for the election of a local kenesh deputy for a term of five years. The procedure for holding the first session of the newly elected local kenesh, as well as the local kenesh in newly formed ayil districts and cities, is determined.

The draft law provides that a change in the overall structure of the administrative-territorial system at the level of ayil districts and cities is defined as a case where local keneshes can be dissolved ahead of schedule.

Furthermore, the draft law proposes additions that allow mayors of cities, heads of ayil okmotu, and deputies of the local kenesh to undergo training at the expense of the local budget, as well as from the funds of the republican budget and other funds not prohibited by law. The current legislation does not currently provide for the financing of the training of these individuals from the local budget.

In the Law "On the Status of Deputies of Local Keneshes", some cases that do not allow combining the status of a deputy of the local kenesh with certain positions and types of activities are recognized as obsolete. Additions are made regarding the training of deputies of the local kenesh and the financing of their training, as well as the inclusion of voter complaints in the local kenesh.