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Proposed Tax Changes Spark Controversy: Impact on Average Monthly Salary

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

The Cabinet of Ministers proposes to calculate the minimum income tax not from the minimum calculated income, but from the average monthly salary. This was reported by the deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh, Dastan Bekeshev, in his Telegram channel.

In Bishkek, the minimum calculated income (MCI) is set at 12,234 soms. This means that if a person earns less than this amount, the income tax will be levied based on the MCI. In other words, 10 percent (income tax rate) of 12,234 soms equals 1,223 soms and 40 tyiyn. The average monthly salary (AMS) is calculated by the National Statistical Committee for regions, as well as Bishkek and Osh. For the current year, the AMS in the capital is 30,749 soms, which means that the income tax cannot be lower than 3,074.9 soms, even if the salary is below the established average value by the National Statistical Committee.

"Thus, in Bishkek, the income tax will increase by 1,815 soms in 2024. This scenario will have a devastating effect on regions where gold mining companies operate, as their salaries are included in the general pool, thereby increasing the average monthly salary. For example, in the Chatkal region, the income tax will increase by 3,820 soms. The increase in income tax is in exchange for a reduction in social security payments to the Social Fund," Bekeshev believes.