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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Responds to Concerns on Foreign Agents Law in Kyrgyzstan

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has commented on a letter from NGOs regarding the draft law on "foreign agents" in Kyrgyzstan. The EBRD takes the concerns expressed by UN special rapporteurs and other international bodies seriously. The bank emphasizes the importance of civil society in Kyrgyz Republic and values the feedback from NGOs on its projects.

The EBRD's interaction with NGOs helps understand the political, social, and economic context of its operations. The bank's Vice President, Mark Bowman, recently visited Bishkek and met with NGO representatives to discuss their concerns regarding the foreign agents law. The EBRD is working on a new country strategy for Kyrgyz Republic and will consult with civil society organizations on future priorities.

The EBRD expects the final version of the foreign agents law and its potential impact. The bank's office in Bishkek will monitor developments and continue to engage with Kyrgyz authorities. The EBRD reaffirms its commitment to civil society partnerships and will express concerns if needed. The letter from NGOs highlights the importance of maintaining an open space for civil society and independent media in Kyrgyz Republic.

NGOs have called on international financial institutions to take action against the foreign agents law and ensure that civil society space remains open. The law, if passed, could pose a serious threat to development efforts in Kyrgyz Republic. The recent amendments to the NGO law introducing the concept of "foreign agents" were approved by parliament, with 64 votes in favor and 5 against.