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Calls for Accountability in Kyrgyzstan's Healthcare System

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

During a session of the Jogorku Kenesh, Deputy Zhusupbek Korgonbay uulu expressed concerns over the Minister of Health, Alymkadyr Beyshenaliev. He stated receiving numerous complaints regarding increased mortality rates and chaos in hospitals since the minister took office. The deputy recounted a disturbing incident where individuals suffered severe consequences, including one losing half of their face due to medical negligence.

Demanding accountability, Deputy Korgonbay uulu urged for the Minister of Health to attend a session and present a report. He criticized the minister's apparent disregard for the lives lost under his watch. Deputy Kamila Talieva echoed these sentiments, highlighting the deteriorating state of the healthcare system and rising mortality rates among women and children.

Talieva proposed a dedicated day to address healthcare issues, citing a recent tragic incident of a three-year-old girl dying in a dental clinic. She emphasized the urgency of addressing systemic failures and holding responsible parties accountable. The deputies' calls for reform and transparency in Kyrgyzstan's healthcare system underscore the pressing need for action to prevent further tragedies.