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Kyrgyz Parliamentarians Propose Criminal Responsibility for Violence Against Healthcare Workers

in Politics / Kyrgyzstan - by

A group of deputies in the Jogorku Kenesh suggests introducing criminal liability for individuals who threaten or use violence against medical, pharmaceutical, and educational workers while performing their professional duties. The corresponding bill to amend the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes has been put up for public discussion.

The explanatory note highlights the increasing number of attacks on medical workers while on duty as the reason for drafting the bill. It emphasizes that doctors often do not report to law enforcement or withdraw their statements later.

The lack of laws protecting the lives and health of medical workers may worsen the accessibility of healthcare and public health. The proposal aims to provide comprehensive support and protection for healthcare professionals.

The deputies propose amending the Criminal Code with an article on "Threat or Use of Violence Against Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Educational Staff" and suggest specific penalties for different types of offenses.

Additionally, MP Vinera Raimbachaeva introduces a bill to provide punishment for attacks on healthcare workers, emphasizing the need to legislatively guarantee state protection for medical workers' honor, dignity, personal safety, and security in their professional activities.

The absence of effective mechanisms to prevent attacks on medical workers could discredit the state's responsibility for ensuring citizens' rights and safety.

Raimbachaeva also suggests including provisions for insurance coverage for healthcare workers in case of injuries caused by patients, their relatives, or third parties while performing their duties. She proposes amendments to the Law "On the Protection of Citizens' Health in the Kyrgyz Republic."