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Turkmenistan Honors WWII Veterans with Solemn Victory Day Celebration

in Culture / Turkmenistan - by

In the capital palace "Mekan", veterans of the Great Patriotic War, laborers, as well as military personnel, representatives of ministries, departments, and public figures were congratulated on Victory Day. This information was reported by the online publication "Türkmenistan habarlar portaly".

During the solemn event, musical works of wartime were performed.

Turkmenistan during the war years became a haven for those evacuated from blockaded territories. Hospitals were set up here. More than three hundred thousand Turkmenistanis fought selflessly for Victory, many of them were awarded high honors.

Women, children, and the elderly worked in the rear to provide the front with everything necessary. To build tank columns and combat aircraft, the residents of Turkmenistan handed over more than 7 tons of gold and silver jewelry.

Currently, Turkmen veterans of the Second World War have social benefits in the form of priority medical care and exemption from utility payments.