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Corruption Uncovered: Uzbekistan Regions Suffer Bribery by Officials.

in Corruption / Uzbekistan - by

The State Security Service of Uzbekistan has reported several cases of corruption being uncovered in the regions of Syrdarya, Kashkadarya, Tashkent, and Tashkent.

In Syrdarya region, the deputy governor of Khavast district was arrested upon receiving $1000. It was reported that he, abusing his official position, demanded $20,000 from a company engaged in agriculture to avoid transferring the land allocated to him to the reserve of the governor's office.

According to the agreement between the deputy governor and the entrepreneur, the official was supposed to facilitate irrigation of the land and ensure non-interference in the company's activities.

In Tashkent region, the head of a department and an engineer of the branch of "Regional Power Grids" reportedly requested $39,000 from a confectionery company in Kibray district. In return, they were to connect the company to the three-phase power grid, install a transformer, and assist in obtaining the necessary technical documents. The engineer was apprehended by law enforcement officers while receiving $30,000.

In Kashkadarya region, a senior operative officer of the criminal investigation department of the Karshi district police department was arrested upon receiving money. As per the published information, he attempted to extort $1500 from a private entrepreneur in exchange for not initiating a criminal case against him. The police representative initially received $400 and was detained when receiving the same amount for the second time.

In Tashkent, an inspector of the prevention department of the 2nd Department of the Sergeli district police department was apprehended after receiving $5000. The investigation revealed that he promised to qualify the physical harm caused by a local resident to a foreign national as an administrative offense in exchange for money, without initiating a criminal case. All the aforementioned detainees are currently in custody.