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President of Turkmenistan Makes Personnel Changes in Prosecution Authorities

in Politics / Turkmenistan - by

President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdymukhamedov, conducted personnel reshuffles in the prosecution authorities during the Security Council meeting on April 3rd, as reported by the state information agency TDH.

Two prosecutors were dismissed for "improper performance of duties." They are the prosecutor of the Ahal velayat, Merdan Pirbabayev, and the prosecutor of the Ak Bugday etrap of the Ahal velayat, Gurbanguly Naiyev. Recently, Anna was elected as the cultural capital of the Turkic world for 2024.

Several other prosecutors were dismissed due to the expiration of their terms. This includes prosecutors from various regions such as Ashgabat, Geoktepe, Etrek, Balkan, Dashoguz, and Mary. Additionally, the military prosecutor of the Lebap velayat was retired without explanation, and a new appointment was made.

The new military prosecutor of Ashgabat is Batyr Annamukhamedov, and Shadurdy Tashliev was appointed as the prosecutor of the Ahal velayat. Orazmyrat Gurbanov will supervise law enforcement in correctional institutions of the velayat.

President Berdymukhamedov emphasized the need for strict control over the enforcement of legislation by ministries, departments, and other institutions. He instructed the Prosecutor General to identify violations and take measures for their timely correction, according to TDH.

Observers connect the purges in the prosecution with the dismissal of the Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan, Serdar Myalikgulyev, in January. He was retired for "failure to properly perform his duties and the low level of organization of the prosecution's work."

Shortly after, in early February, the prosecutor of Ashgabat, Ovezmammed Shykmammedov, was also removed from his position. Sources from turkmen.news reported his immediate arrest after dismissal by the Ministry of National Security.

Myalikgulyev, who served for only one and a half years, managed to place his people in key positions. The new Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan is Begmurat Mukhamedov, who previously held the position of Minister of Justice from 2013 to 2021 and recently chaired the Committee on International and Inter-Parliamentary Relations of the Parliament.