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Poor Construction Quality in Turkmenistan: School Building Demolished Due to Cracks

in Politics / Turkmenistan - by

In Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, the authorities have started demolishing the building of School No. 135, which developed cracks shortly after its construction. According to reports from "Chronicles of Turkmenistan," the younger students were relocated to other schools soon after the crack appeared at the end of 2020. However, the senior students continued to attend the unsafe institution until recently when they were also transferred, and the demolition process began.

Sources from turkmen.news first reported the crack in the School No. 135 building in January 2021. A photo sent to the editorial office revealed significant damage running from the second floor to the roof, despite the school being relatively new, having been commissioned in 2017. The rush to complete the construction stemmed from a presidential directive to finish the work by December 2016.

In the "Mir-7" residential area, plans were made to construct four schools, but only three were actually opened. Companies such as "Gümmez Gurluşyk," "Galaly göz," "Nurana Ýyldyz," and "Ýüpek ýoly täjirçilik" were involved in the project, although it remains unclear which one specifically built School No. 135.

The construction quality in Turkmenistan has been a cause for concern, with contractors winning contracts through connections and bribes. Officials tend to cut corners, engage in embezzlement, while the authorities set tight deadlines that are difficult for builders to meet. The consequences of such practices have been evident, with cracks appearing in various structures like the "Ashgabat Mall" shopping center and adjacent residential complexes in 2023, and a recent incident where an overpass leading to the mall sank. Repairs have been required twice in 2022-2023 at the intersection of Atamurat Niyazov and Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Avenues, a project handled by a company linked to the president's relative.

Sources also report numerous violations in the construction of the new city of Arkadag, including inadequate soil drainage leading to piles being driven into water. These incidents highlight the urgent need for improved construction standards and oversight in Turkmenistan to ensure the safety and durability of infrastructure projects.