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Eco-Ethno Tourism Gains Popularity in Turkmenistan

in Society / Turkmenistan - by

A new trend in tourism, eco-ethno tourism, is actively developing and gaining popularity in Turkmenistan, as reported by the online publication "TurkmenPortal."

This type of vacation combines immersion in nature with an introduction to the national culture of the Turkmen people. It promotes responsible attitudes towards recreational areas, reducing negative impacts on the environment and preserving local traditions.

Within the framework of eco-ethno tourism, visits to remote corners of Turkmenistan are planned, where guests can learn about local traditions, ancient legends, crafts, and taste authentic cuisine.

On March 24, the first tour to the "Bereketli Garagum" reserve will take place. The trip includes visits to Turkmen villages, where tourists will experience the daily life of local residents, observe wild animals in their natural habitat, and even ride camels.