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Oraza Bayram: Night of Power and Forgiveness in Turkmenistan

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Oraza Bayram, the day marking the end of the strict fasting period, holds a significant place in Turkmenistan's calendar of national holidays. For the entire Islamic world, the sacred month of Ramadan is a special time when the scale of good deeds reaches its peak. The culmination of the month is the Night of Ghadir Khumm, also known as the Night of Power, Destiny, Forgiveness, and Unity. It is believed that on this night, the Prophet Muhammad received the first verses of the Quran.

During this sacred night, President of Turkmenistan performs a noble act by signing a decree of amnesty for repentant individuals. This year, 356 people have been pardoned, symbolizing a return to a righteous life. It is hoped that Muslims worldwide, after the Night of Destiny, will align their souls towards mercy, love, and understanding, embracing a fresh start and the divine gift of doing good on earth.

The Night of Ghadir Khumm, observed on one of the odd nights of the last decade of the month of Oraza, provides a unique opportunity for Muslims to make up for missed prayers throughout the year. It is believed that one prayer offered on this night equals prayers for 1000 months ahead. People recite the Quran, some from memory, some with the book in hand, aloud or silently, as the verses of the Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad on this night of revelations.

Like any sacred ritual, the Night of Power and Destiny comes with prohibitions and approvals for Muslims, all carrying moral messages. It is a time to cleanse one's soul from anger and grudges, fill thoughts with kindness, share with those in need, and show attention to family, relatives, friends, and neighbors. Throughout the month of Oraza, believers strive to adhere to these positive principles, knowing that during the night of vigil, angels will visit every home, bestow attention on each worshipper, hear their prayers, and convey them to the Almighty.

Oraza Bayram is perhaps the brightest holiday, a time when after practicing self-denial during fasting, a believer suddenly realizes the meaning of their existence. It is a period for introspection, evaluation of actions, thoughts, and desires. Oraza Bayram is an opportunity for repentance, to acknowledge one's sins, embark on the right path with a pure soul, faith, hope, and love for a bright present and future. For when you smile and do good, not only will your neighbor but the Almighty also reward you abundantly.