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Balkanabad Lawyer Allaberdyev Fined for Insulting Prosecutor's Office

in Society / Turkmenistan - by

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights reported that Allaberdyev, a lawyer convicted for political activities and later pardoned, was fined for insulting the prosecutor's office. Despite struggling to find a job after his release, Allaberdyev eventually found employment at a cement plant. However, a conflict arose with a colleague in December 2023, leading to Allaberdyev being fined 200 manats for obstructing the lawful activities of state bodies and officials.

This incident is not the first time Allaberdyev has faced persecution since his release. He was previously banned from leaving the country, preventing him from traveling to Iran to meet a prominent religious figure for prayers for his deceased relatives. Even his family members have been targeted, with his daughter being denied re-entry to Russia while on holiday and not being allowed to continue her education there.

For a long time after his release, Allaberdyev faced job rejections until he was offered a position at the cement plant in November 2023. Human rights activists believe this was orchestrated to prevent scrutiny of his persecution before the Universal Periodic Review of Turkmenistan in Geneva. Allaberdyev, a lawyer at a state oil and gas company, suffered consequences for his participation in opposition chat groups, leading to a six-year sentence for alleged hooliganism in September 2020. He was pardoned in December 2022.