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Uzbekistan's Ministry of Ecology to Hold "Car-Free Day" in Tashkent

in Politics / Uzbekistan - by

The Ministry of Ecology, Environment, and Climate Change of Uzbekistan will organize the "Car-Free Day" in Tashkent on Friday, March 29th, as announced by the ministry's press service.

The main goal of the event is to promote a healthy lifestyle, raise public awareness on environmental protection issues, reduce car traffic in cities, and enhance public transportation development.

The ministry has called on everyone to actively participate in the initiative by choosing public transport, bicycles, or other eco-friendly means of transportation on that day.

It is worth noting that the monthly public project "Car-Free Day" in Tashkent was approved by the decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on February 21st, based on proposals from the general public and eco-activists.

On this day, top officials and employees of all republican and local executive authorities located in Tashkent are instructed to set a personal example by using public transport to commute to work.