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Ministry Clarifies Misinformation on Funds Usage for Electric Vehicles in Uzbekistan

in Politics / Uzbekistan - by

The Ministry of Economy and Finance commented on the possibility of regional administrations purchasing hybrid and electric vehicles using the funds of the "Mehr Daftari" ("Kindness Notebook") foundation to support orphans and children left without parental care.

Following our publication, the administrations of Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, and Bukhara regions stated that the data in the government procurement lots were displayed incorrectly and speculated that this was due to a portal malfunction.

In a statement, the Ministry of Economy and Finance mentioned that the "Mehr Daftari" funds under the administrations, established by government decision, are not considered a legal entity and their funds are collected in accounts opened as off-budget funds of the administrations.

The Harid.mf.uz government procurement portal, managed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, is integrated into the information systems of ministries and agencies, and all information is generated in the software complex through the Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) of the customers.

"It has been established that these funds are linked to the INN numbers of these administrations since the funds were created under the administrations. Accordingly, the contracts that caused public objections were not concluded using the funds of the 'Mehr Daftari' foundation but with the additional funds of the administrations," the statement said.