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Tashkent City Administration Plans Neighborhood Revitalization Inspired by Sydney

in Society / Uzbekistan - by

The Mayor of Tashkent, Shavkat Umurzakov, announced plans to revitalize neighborhoods and streets using a unified code based on Sydney's experience. During a visit to neighborhoods on April 9th, Umurzakov discussed the initiative, as reported by "Gazeta.uz".

Umurzakov, who recently became the head of the city administration after serving as the acting mayor for over a year, emphasized the importance of improving infrastructure and living conditions in various districts. He highlighted the need to bring neighborhoods out of the "red" category, as observed during meetings in three districts.

One such meeting took place in the Yunusabad district in the "Shoshtepa" neighborhood, where the district mayor presented plans to enhance the area's infrastructure. The Mayor of Tashkent emphasized President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's directives to improve living conditions in all neighborhoods, not just in the city center.

Umurzakov stressed the importance of creating ideal living conditions, including urban beautification and poverty alleviation efforts, in all parts of the city, not just the central areas. He referenced Sydney's "street codes" as a model for Tashkent's development plans, focusing on detailed design guidelines and technical specifications for streets, public spaces, and infrastructure.

The city administration aims to shift from ad hoc improvements to systematic planning, considering factors such as population density when determining amenities like benches, playgrounds, workout zones, and green spaces in neighborhoods. Standardized norms and regulations will be developed for implementation citywide.

In another district, plans were presented for the revitalization of the "Akbarabad" neighborhood, including the construction of pedestrian walkways, an amphitheater, and recreational areas. The Mayor emphasized the need for public oversight and the inclusion of beneficial elements in neighborhood projects.

The comprehensive approach to neighborhood development includes financial strategies, such as auctioning off unused land to fund improvement projects. The administration is committed to transparent planning and budgeting, involving community leaders in disseminating development plans and ensuring public accountability.

Umurzakov also highlighted the importance of sustainable urban infrastructure, such as multi-level parking lots and electric vehicle charging stations, to address parking issues and reduce energy consumption. The focus remains on cost-effective solutions and quality assurance in public projects, utilizing state funds efficiently.

The city administration's commitment to inclusive and sustainable development reflects a new era of urban planning in Tashkent, prioritizing community engagement and innovative solutions for a better quality of life for all residents.