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Illegal Picking of Endangered Tulips in Kazakhstan Sparks Outrage

in Crime / Kazakhstan - by

Recently, footage of a young woman picking red-listed tulips in the Turkestan region has gone viral in Kaznet. According to Otyrar.kz, the police investigation revealed that a 22-year-old resident of the Ordabasy district endangered the Greig tulips by picking them in a field in the rural district of Uyalyzhar, recording the act, and sharing it on social media.

The incident of illegal handling of rare and endangered plant species has been registered by the police department in the Turkestan region, and all circumstances are currently being investigated, as stated by the press service of the Department of Police.

In response, the police remind residents and visitors who come to admire the "Greig" tulips that there are legal consequences for picking red-listed plants. Under Kazakhstan's legislation, mishandling rare plant species can result in fines of up to three thousand monthly calculation indices (1 MCI equals 3692 tenge, which amounts to over 11 million tenge).

It was previously reported that the Borsheva tulip bloomed in the Aral region. This plant is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan and grows within the territory of the Barsakelmes State Nature Reserve.