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Kazakhstan Court Hears Torture Case Involving Kuandyk Bishimbayev: Prosecutor's Call for Justice

in Crime / Kazakhstan - by

On May 2, the court hearings began at the Specialized Interdistrict Court for Criminal Cases in Astana in the case of Kuandyk Bishimbayev. Prosecutor Aizhan Aimaghanova presented the position of the prosecution.

During the investigation and court proceedings, it was established that Saltanat Nukenova was subjected to torture in March, April, August, and October 2023. The prosecutor emphasized that torture involves causing physical and mental suffering through systematic beatings, as confirmed by the victim's testimony, witnesses, the accused Baizhanov, photos, videos, correspondence, and notes.

According to the prosecutor, it was found that Bishimbayev systematically used violence, humiliated Nukenova, deprived her of sleep, restricted her contact with family and friends, and forced her to take medications not prescribed by a doctor. Nukenova developed a guilt complex instigated by Bishimbayev, leading to her indecisiveness in breaking off the toxic relationship.

The prosecutor highlighted that Bishimbayev showed no remorse, compassion, or repentance. Witnesses testified to Bishimbayev's sadistic behavior, inflicting numerous physical injuries and deep moral humiliations on Nukenova for over 10 hours.

Aimaghanova noted that Bishimbayev's particular cruelty was evident when Nukenova was dying, as he callously met with Nasirbekova, exchanged messages with other women, gave work instructions, and had dinner with Baizhanov. Despite multiple pleas to call for emergency help, Bishimbayev only did so in the evening after Nukenova had already passed away.

In an effort to cover up the crime, Baizhanov obstructed the VIP cabin, dismissed the staff, closed the restaurant, deleted videos, turned off surveillance cameras, and deliberately took Nukenova's phone around the city. Baizhanov also brought cologne after 3 p.m. when Nukenova was already deceased, according to the expertise.

The prosecutor urged the jury and the court to believe the evidence presented in the case and heard during the trial, emphasizing the need for a just verdict.

Today, on May 2, 2024, the court announced the completion of the judicial investigation and the transition to the parties' arguments. At the previous hearing on April 29, 2024, the court debates did not commence on time due to issues with the escort service. Instead of 10:00, the debates were rescheduled for 14:30. Upon resuming, the state prosecutor requested to reopen the judicial investigation to file a motion regarding the qualification of the charges against the second defendant, Bakhytzhan Baizhanov.